Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Fund the Dreams of Students Through The Generation Project

The Generation Project provides an innovative way for anyone to make a specific kind of impact in the lives of children from lower income situations through financial giving and the recommendations of teachers. If you have a worthwhile activity or experience you’d like to fund (or partially fund) for a deserving, low income student, you can share that dream on The Generation Project’s website. After it is posted, educators from around the country (who are verified as teachers by project staff) can apply for their students to participate in published projects.

This three minute video provides an overview.

I’m thinking The Generation Project would be a great way for Storychasers (and others who believe in the importance of the Storychasers’ mission) to provide scholarships to students to attend a “Storychaser’s Summer Camp” event they might not otherwise be able afford.

The need to provide greater educational equity is a HUGE need and something that’s on my mind frequently. It’s great to provide opportunities for kids to take one-on-one training classes at the Apple Store after their parents purchase a new Mac laptop for them… But what about all the kids whose parents are NOT buying them technology tools and providing experiences like these? Teachers are often in a great position to make recommendations about motivated, deserving students who have a passion but lack the means to further develop it. In cases like these, The Generation Project could help in a big way.

Check it out!

SFETT07_  021photo © 2007 marco antonio torres | more info (via: Wylio)

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3 responses to “Fund the Dreams of Students Through The Generation Project”

  1. Zach Glasser Avatar
    Zach Glasser

    Just a quick point of clarification:

    The Generation Project is driven by donor-inspired ideas. Teachers can use the website to claim the gift idea, but are not typically making recommendations about the gift prior to claiming it.

  2. Jpbryant89 Avatar

    I am a student in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I commented on one of your other posts last week and I will be blogging about them on this weekend. I am amazed at what people are doing to help better the futures of our upcoming leaders. I also found out about a leadership retreat much like the one that was discussed in the movie. I never did without but there was no way that my family could afford to send me across the country for $3,000. But they said there was no way that they were going to let me miss out on an opportunity like this. So everyday after school my mom and I would go from business to business and ask if they would like to sponsor my trip (they were sold once I told them it could be used as a tax write-off), and little by little I raised the $3,000 that allowed me to make memories that would last a lifetime. It just hits so close to home and means so much to me that there are people out there willing to donate money in order to improve schools HOWEVER THEY SEE FIT. I am currently in a position where Im a full-time student with a part-time job who acts as a freelance artist to pay my bills and help out my family, so I wouldn’t be able to help at this point in time, but I can’t wait until I have the chance to. This is an amazing program, that I would love to get involved in. I already uploaded the video to my facebook and twitter in the hopes that someone out there can help. Thank you so much for posting this.

    Paige Bryant