Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Collaborative Learning Spaces for Students at Texas Tech

The new student collaboration spaces in the library at Texas Tech University offer great opportunities for student collaboration and a digital sharing. Multiple large displays, multiple “hockey puck” VGA laptop connectors, webcams and 360 degree H.363 videoconferencing equipment are some of the highlights. I want my home office to look this good and have such robust, digital communications options!

Collaborative learning spaces at the Texas Tech library

Collaborative learning spaces at the Texas Tech library

I recorded a short video today in the library using my iPad2 and iRig mic, showing some of the features and capabilities of these great student learning spaces!

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What are the collaborative learning spaces in your local school library and public library looking like these days? Perhaps it’s time they had a facelift! You might consider taking some notes from the work of the great learning space designers at Texas Tech!

Collaborative learning spaces at the Texas Tech library

Thanks to Karissa Greathouse, the amazing Blackboard instructional designer and support specialist at the TTU Teaching, Learning and Technology Center, for showing me these great learning spaces today! Thanks also to a visiting student who agreed to serve as an impromptu videographer for me!

Collaborative learning spaces at the Texas Tech library

Stool from The Baker Company at the TTU library

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



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6 responses to “Collaborative Learning Spaces for Students at Texas Tech”

  1. Brad Wilson Avatar

     Thanks for sharing, Wes.  As I am researching ways to “imagineer” 21st C. learning spaces, it is innovate design like this that really gets me dreaming big! I know first hand how crucial environment is for productivity, creativity & collaboration in the classroom. When students are comfortable & there are no physical barriers for them to work together, things go so much better. 

  2. Kaley Daniel Avatar
    Kaley Daniel

    Thank you, Wes, for this great post, cool video and the snazzy Flickr photos! We’re glad you like what you see!

    Kaley Daniel | Director for Communications & Marketing at Texas Tech Libraries

  3. Ryan Anderson Avatar

    Thanks so much for this post… and to Texas Tech for creating such a great space. We love seeing our products like media:scape ( used to create collaborative learning environments!

    Ryan Anderson @ Steelcase

  4. Joyce Zachman Avatar
    Joyce Zachman

     I continue to be impressed with Tech’s cutting edge progress; always on top for our students.  I look forward to sharing this great news with our parents.
    Joyce Zachman
    President, Texas Tech Parents Association

  5. Rick Yeates Avatar

    Texas Tech shows leading edge student collaboration

  6. LSmith Avatar

    Baker Office Products, Lubbock, Texas, was thrilled & honored to have a hand in design and installation of such innovative collaborative workspace on the part of TTU Libraries. Media:scape® by Steelcase is reshaping the way people collaborate & interact in a connected world, and this is one more example of how TTU is giving students the opportunity to excel. Go Tech!