Tag: collaboration
Furniture Quest for a Collaborative Classroom
I’m in the Dallas, Texas, area this weekend (in Allen, specifically) serving as a chauffeur for my in-laws, who are visiting family. I’m also, however, on a furniture quest for my wife, as she seeks to create more spaces in her elementary classroom for collaboration and engaged learning. Yesterday I spent a couple hours at…
Collaborative Learning Spaces for Students at Texas Tech
The new student collaboration spaces in the library at Texas Tech University offer great opportunities for student collaboration and a digital sharing. Multiple large displays, multiple “hockey puck” VGA laptop connectors, webcams and 360 degree H.363 videoconferencing equipment are some of the highlights. I want my home office to look this good and have such…
Podcast277: A Conversation with Carol Anne McGuire – Imagineering the Ideal K-6 Classroom Learning Environment (Part 2)
This podcast is a recording of a conversation I had this evening over iChat with Carol Anne McGuire, discussing her experiences helping kids soar with their learning using a variety of project-based learning, collaboration and technologically-infused teaching methods. Carol Anne is the architect of the successful “Rock Our World” project, and has helped students create…