Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Kansas Educators: Become a Storychaser this summer in Haysville, Greenbush or Andover!

Cross-posted to the Storychasers’ blog.

Storychasers is hosting THREE two day digital storytelling workshops this summer in Kansas for teachers, librarians, administrators and others interested in technology integration, multimedia video production, oral history and preserving community voices. The three workshop dates and locations are:

  • June 28-29, 2011 in Haysville, Kansas
  • July 25-26, 2011 in Greenbush, Kansas
  • August 3-4, 2011 in Andover, Kansas

View Summer 2011: Celebrate Kansas Voices in a larger map

Be sure to check out some of the latest videos shared on our Celebrate Kansas Voices Ning website. We now have over 65 videos created by Kansas students and teachers!

Register to join us, and please forward this information to others you know who may be interested! A 1 page PDF marketing flyer about the workshop is available.

Why attend our 2 day workshop?

  • Digitally preserve history
  • Create and share a video
  • Develop digital literacy skills
  • Use MEDIA to meet curriculum standards
  • Join a community of innovative educators
  • Get cool technology gadgets

Workshop cost is $499 or $249 per person, depending on whether you want to KEEP ‘digital backpack’ equipment after the workshop. Submit the Storychasers Workshop Registration Inquiry and Storychasers will send you the official workshop registration link. Call or email Storychasers if you’d like more information.

If you have TitleIID professional development funds, or other professional development funds from grants or other sources, our two day workshop is a wonderful learning experience for educators that has direct, measurable impacts on classroom instruction through the videos students create with teachers afterwards. We hope to see you in a Storychasers’ workshop this summer!

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