Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Reach for the Stars Using Media in Your Classroom

These are the slides, resources and videos I shared during my keynote address, “Reach for the Stars Using Media in Your Classroom,” on September 28, 2011, in Concord, New Hampshire. This presentation was shared for a gathering celebrating the 30th anniversary of NHSTE (New Hampshire’s Affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education) at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord. The presentation focused on our obligations to be multimedia communicators as educators, the basics of “Playing with Media,” and examples of outstanding student media projects from New Hampshire students. Amidst a continuing barrage of exciting new technologies like the Apple iPad, Amazon Fire and Google Chromebook, the right question to ask is NOT, “Should we buy X device for our students?” The right question to ask is, “What do we want our students to DO with the tool we buy?”

What happens in 60 Seconds on the Internet (April 2011)

What Technology Wants” by Kevin Kelly (a great book to read or listen to on Audible)

the playing with media classroom challenge

The Kindle Fire

Kindle Fire TV Commercial (30 sec)

Google Chromebook

You had me at 8 seconds

Google Chromebook: You Had Me at 8 Seconds

Chromebooks for Education (2:13)

See resources for digital text, image, audio and video sharing on

See examples of shared student projects on

Purchase “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing” as an eBook or paperback

Google Sketchup software (free)

Scratch software (free)

Green Cities – New Businesses

Green Cities – New Businesses from DeerfieldCS on Vimeo.

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman Book Trailer by Alec G.

The Great Book Stories project (examples of student-created VoiceThread-based book reports)

Roman Weapons In Plain English

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