Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Congrats Brad Wilson: iRig Mic Winner for Sharing Student Media in September

Congratulations to Brad Wilson who shared the student media example, “4th Graders Interview State Rep During Field Trip” on the Playing with Media SHARING site in September. Brad’s 4th graders recorded a short audio interview using the free Cinch application on a 2nd generation iPod Touch (using a ThumbTack mic) during a school field trip to the Michigan State Capitol building. I used the free random name picker and website, “Interactive Fruit Machine” to select Brad as the winner for the “Playing with Media” September drawing. I recorded a screencast of the drawing using a free account on I cross-posted this video to YouTube using Screenr’s built-in cross-posting feature.

In October 2011, I’ll be giving away an “RCA VR5320 1GB Digital Voice Recorder” to an educator who shares an example of student work on For more details, see the post, “Win a Digital Audio Recorder in October 2011.”

RCA VR5320 1GB Digital Voice Recorder


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One response to “Congrats Brad Wilson: iRig Mic Winner for Sharing Student Media in September”

  1. Education Interactive Avatar
    Education Interactive

    Firstly Congrats Brad Wilson. Nice educational technology won by you.

    Nice blog post..keep blogging
