Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Sunset over Doha [video]

Local time in Doha, Qatar, is eight hours ahead of U.S. central time. This evening before heading out for our evening dinner, I recorded a 4.5 minute reflection about some of my experiences and thoughts after being in the Middle East about 24 hours. One correction to my video: Our conference is sponsored by Qatar Academy and the Qatar Foundation.

The book I reference in this video (and was thinking about last night as our airplane descended into the darkness by the Persian Gulf, south of Iran and southwest of Afghanistan, is “Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10” by Marcus Luttrell. RIP Steve Jobs, members of SEAL Team 10 who did not return home in July 2005, and all those who have lost their lives in the ongoing wars in Southwest Asia since 9-11.

Gulf Times headline in Doha, Qatar on October 6, 2011

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