Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Educational Podcasts from Blackfoot Educational Technology Conference (August 2012)

This week I had an opportunity to attend and present at the Blackfoot Educational Technology Conference in Missoula, Montana, at the beautiful College of Education at the University of Montana. In addition to taking notes from several sessions, I also recorded and posted session audio to a supplementary podcast channel I’ve maintained for several years, “Fuel for Educational Change Agents” for eight sessions. (Including two of my own.) Here are direct links to those sessions. Enjoy, and thanks to Jason Neiffer, Mike Agostinelli, Lucy Gray, and Martin Horejsi for permission to share these!

30 in 60: 30 Tools for Tech-Savvy Teachers by Jason Neiffer and Mike Agostinelli

Mobilizing Learning with iPods, iPhones and iPads by Lucy Gray

Beyond Search by Lucy Gray

Digital Textbooks using iBooks (and our eBook publishing landscape:
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

Using Social Media to Improve Classroom and School Communications by Jason Neiffer

eBooks: Possibilities and Creation Options by Wesley Fryer

Creating Narrated Slideshows and Screencasts by Wesley Fryer

Blackfoot ETC 2012

University of Montana

Jason Neiffer, Wesley Fryer and Mike Agostinelli

Wesley Fryer and Lucy Gray

Get Lost in Montana

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