Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

eBook Self-Publishing with Amazon, CreateSpace & iTunes Producer

This past Saturday (September 21, 2013) I shared a breakout session at the “Write Well, Sell Well Conference” for authors in Oklahoma City titled, “eBook Self-Publishing with Amazon, CreateSpace & iTunes Producer.” I recorded the session and synchronized that audio to my slides on SlideShare to create a SlideCast of my presentation. This means you can play back the entire presentation, hearing my narration alongside each slide I showed during the conference.

eBook Self-Publishing w Amazon, CreateSpace & iTunes Producer from Wesley Fryer

Please share this with others you know who are interested in independent and self-publishing, including e-publishing. This presentation is the most comprehensive and detailed one I’ve shared to date, since publishing my first eBook in 2011, on these subjects. I’ve shared numerous presentations in the past two years on creating enhanced/multimedia eBooks, but not a session specifically for people interested in independent/self publishing.

As a related aside, this evening I finally used Amazon’s “Author Central” website to create a customized author page for myself on their site. It allows authors to connect blogs, Twitter accounts, as well as existing Amazon eBooks and print books to customized pages. I’m not sure if this will boost my ebook/book sales or speaking requests, but I hope so! If you have any eBooks or books for sale on Amazon now, I definitely encourage you to create a customized author page. It’s free. Wesley A Fryer: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

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