Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Avoiding Digital Disasters: Video Is the New Pen

Yesterday in Yukon, Oklahoma, I led an “iPad Quick Edit Videography” workshop for Storychasers. Workshop participants and I brainstormed, planned, recorded and edited short videos focusing on digital citizenship issues which public photo and video sharing can raise. Our full curriculum from the workshop is available on Google Sites. I edited a video with some of these clips and published it to YouTube with the title, “Avoiding Digital Disasters: Video Is the New Pen.” The statement, “video is the new pen,” comes from Richard Wells‘ outstanding post from earlier this week on iPad 4 Schools, “The “One iPad” Classroom.”

I edited this video with the newly updated iMovie for iPad 4.0 app, which includes the ability to zoom and re-position recorded video in an edited remix. I LOVE this feature! The ability to insert videos and photos as “cutaway, picture-in-picture, or side-by-side” media elements is also GREAT!

New features in iMovie for iPad 4.0

The 2009 video which my wife, Shelly, references in her segment about always turning on comment moderation on YouTube for student videos is “Sarah’s Response to President Obama’s Speech,” which currently has over 202,088 views.

Read more about our “lessons learned” from that experience four years ago in the past posts:

  1. President Obama’s Speech to Students: A Great Opportunity for Synchronous, Live Discussions (Sep 6, 2009)
  2. Using Blogs and CoverItLive to Discuss President Obama’s Speech (Sep 8, 2009)
  3. YouTube comment moderation is great (and recommended) when videos go viral (Sep 9, 2009)
  4. A hazard of moderating comments on a popular YouTube video (Oct 3, 2009)
  5. Remember to turn YouTube channel comment moderation ON (Oct 12, 2009)

See my 4 minute screencast tutorial from July 2012, “Turn On Comment Moderation on a YouTube Video,” for specific instructions about the steps to follow for this process. Also see Google’s official help page on Managing Comments on YouTube videos.

If you live in or near Oklahoma City, please join me for our upcoming iPad digital storytelling workshops in November and December. On Saturday, November 16th I’ll lead an “Intermediate iPad Digital Storytelling” workshop in which we’ll learn how to use Pinnacle Studio for iPad. Although iMovie for iPad is definitely more powerful after its 4.0 update this week, Pinnacle is still a more robust and flexible digital storytelling app for the iPad. On Saturday, December 14, I’ll lead a workshop titled, “Starting a Student Storychaser Club.” For more background on this, check out the SlideShare of the presentation I gave with Dawn Danker-Pierce at the EncycloMedia / Oklahoma Technology Association Conference in Oklahoma City three weeks ago. Also check out the resources listed on the “Student Clubs” page of

Start a Student Storychasr Club (OTA – EncycloMedia 2013) from Wesley Fryer

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