Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Empowering Women Worldwide Through Creative, Handmade Designs

Today during our lunch break in Fort Wayne, Indiana (where I’m attending Library Camp 2013) I had an opportunity to meet Nicole Moore. Nicole is the director of retail operations for “Creative Women of the World,” a local nonprofit with an important mission. You’ve probably heard about organizations like Kiva which provide micro-loans to individuals in other countries who need financial assistance to start a small business. CWOW (Creative Women of the World) provides micro-loans but does more. According to their website:

CWOW teaches effective business practices that encourage women to create sustainable businesses that protect the triple bottom line. CWOW believes in building businesses that protect all the people involved, protect the planet we live in and protect the artisan company’s profit. When women build that kind of business her family and her whole community will be elevated.

Take four minutes to watch this impromptu video interview with Nicole Moore from today in Fort Wayne. If you’re a teacher, parent or grandparent, use this video to start a discussion with your students, children or grandchildren about the challenges which women in other parts of the world face when they want to start a small business that can provide income for their family.

Take things one step further and order a gift for someone in your family or a for a friend from the CWOW online store. As Nicole says in the interview, you’re going to buy gifts this holiday season for others… why not take the opportunity to not only purchase a gift for someone you know, but ALSO help a female artisan in another country who is working hard to provide for their family? In our modern day of Wal-Mart and shopping, we are too often disconnected from the people who actually produce the goods we use and consume. Organizations like CWOW can help re-establish that connection, because they are focused on not only selling products but also SHARING STORIES of the women who make these creative items.

Help change the world now by supporting “Creative Women of the World.” Connect to CWOW on Twitter (@GoCWOW) as well as Facebook.

Creative Women of the World - Massai earrings and bracelets

Recycled Metal Art from Haiti - Creative Women of the World

Nativity Scene from El Salvador - Creative Women of the World

Soup of Success - Creative Women of the World

Great Jane Austen quotation

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One response to “Empowering Women Worldwide Through Creative, Handmade Designs”

  1. Lauren Bradley Avatar
    Lauren Bradley

    Wow this post was amazing and I’m so honored to this post! I was just talking about how I could not be more lucky with my C4T’s this semester. This post is great and I really respect you for it. Often people do not see the struggle that comes with being ignored, or maybe some even see it yet refuse to acknowledge it. Thank you for fighting for the cause and supporting the the CWOW.