Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Learning About Posting YouTube Videos to WordPress, Windows RT Copy Paste, and iMovie for iPhone

This afternoon my 10 year old, Rachel, showed me a video she’d found on YouTube on the amazing channel AsapScience. My wife and I gave her a Windows RT tablet for her birthday in September, and she’s enjoyed using it not only to watch YouTube videos (and subscribe to them with the Google Account we helped her setup) but also draw pictures using Freshpaint, watch Netflix, check her email, and look up stuff on Google. After we watched the video together (“The Science of Lucid Dreaming”) and discussed it, I asked if she’d like to learn how to post YouTube videos like this to our family learning blog so other people could see them and she could look them up later. After we figured out, together, how to do it, I tweeted about what we just did. Susan Paquette, an school art teacher in Boston, replied that she’d like to learn how to do this also. I thought this would be a good opportunity to help Rachel create a short video explaining these steps, since in doing so she’d not only help Susan but also learn the steps better herself. Rachel has previously created a couple screencasts about Club Penguin using Screenflow on my laptop, but hadn’t ever explained how to do something on her Windows RT tablet.

Twitter Request for Just In Time Learning

I video recorded Rachel explaining the steps on my iPhone. It took us about eight different takes to get it right, which were mostly less than 30 second attempts she wanted to start over. After recording it, I taught Rachel how to edit the raw video footage using the iMovie for iPhone app. She’d seen and helped teachers use iMovie for iPad the past two summers when she’s helped me facilitate 3 day iPad Media Camp workshops, but she’d never edited a video before by herself on an iPhone. We tried to upload the video to her YouTube account twice from iMovie, but the upload kept failing. Instead, we exported it to the photo roll and then used the YouTube Capture app (free) to upload it to her account. The final video, “How to post a YouTube video to WordPress from your RT tablet,” is just over three minutes long. Rachel used Siri (text-to-speech) to enter the title and description of the video in YouTube Capture on my iPhone.

Over the Christmas holidays, I’m going to help Rachel update her website ( with a new theme integrating a new personal logo she’s working on. She asked me to setup that site about a year ago, and so far it just has links to the free eBooks she’s written and illustrated, along with cross-posts (using FeedWordPress) from our family learning blog. We’ve also discussed setting up a site where she can start selling some of her artwork and sell products which feature her art. She’s seen websites where other artists are doing this, and thinks it would be cool to have her own “art store.”

Rachel was both interested and amazed to learn that Susan Paquette, whose request precipitated these “learning moments” together, is an after school art teacher. (I read her Twitter profile and told Rachel.) It’s amazing and energizing to experience where our digitally networked conversations can take us! 🙂

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