Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Join via Videoconference: Mapping Media Part 2 (Spring 2014)

The past few years I’ve enjoyed opportunities to work intensively with Montana teachers through summer professional development institutes offered at the University of Montana as well as courses I’ve taught over videoconferences bridged by VisionNet. Western Montana CSPD and Nancy Marks have been the primary catalysts for these learning opportunities. Both of my past courses have been offered for graduate credit through the University of Montana, and have focused on the first six media products in the “Mapping Media to the Common Core” digital literacy framework: Interactive Writing, Narrated Art, Five Photo Stories, Radio Shows, Visual Notetaking, and Narrated Slideshows / Screencasts. I’m pleased to announce that this semester I’ll be offering “Part 2” of Mapping Media for the first time as a seven part course, again via Montana CSPD and the University of Montana. This second part will focus on three more media products, which are more involved than the first six in several ways. The media products are: Quick Edit Videos, Multimedia/enhanced eBooks, and Simulations or Games.

Mapping Media to the Common Core: Part 2 by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

Whether or not you live in Montana, you can join us via H.323 videoconferencing for this seven part course. We meet every two weeks for an hour and a half after school on Thursdays. Specifically: 4:30-6:00 pm (Mountain) | 3:30-5:00 pm (Pacific) | 5:30-7:00 pm (Central) | 6:30-8:00 pm (Eastern). Our meeting dates for the course will be:

  • Feb 27 Introduction
  • March 6 & 27: Quick Edit Videos
  • April 10 & 24 : E-Books
  • May 8 & 22: Simulations or Games

Registration is discounted to $160 per person or $125 for groups of 2 or more if you register by February 17th. Visit the Western Montana CSPD website for complete details. We’d love to have educators from other states in addition to Montana join us for this fantastic course! Specifically, I’d love for YOU to join us!

Mapping Media Part 2 - Spring 2014 by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

(cross-posted from

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One response to “Join via Videoconference: Mapping Media Part 2 (Spring 2014)”

  1. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    No, it’s not required that you take a previous course to take this one. Yes, these are definitely media products that 1st graders can create and can be used in 1st grade classrooms as well. When we discuss games and simulations, we’ll discuss applications for primary students as well as older students. Quick edit videos and eBooks can be used by students of all ages. We will have primary grade teachers in this class as well as teachers of older elementary and secondary students. John Fines is a kindergarten teacher in Missoula, Montana, who took my first course and tweeted last week he’s taking this one. You can reach out to him via Twitter and get his opinions on your question and this course series. 🙂