Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Mapping Media to the Common Core (eMINTS Conference – Columbia, Missouri)

Today I’m presenting “Mapping Media to the Common Core” as the day 2 keynote address for the eMINTS conference in Columbia, Missouri. If you aren’t familiar with eMINTS, according to their website:

eMINTS professional development uses interactive group sessions and in-classroom coaching/mentoring to help teachers integrate technology into their teaching using an instructional model that

  • promotes inquiry-based learning
  • supports high-quality lesson design
  • builds community among students and teachers
  • creates technology-rich learning environments

eMINTS began in Missouri – its name an acronym for the project enhancing Missouri’s Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies. Today eMINTS can be found in classrooms across the United States and in New South Wales, Australia.

My keynote description is:

Digital literacy today means much more than searching the Internet and using Microsoft Office. To be digitally literate, teachers as well as students need to be able to create and share online a variety of different multimedia products. These media products can be “mapped” to your curriculum, and if you’re in a Common Core state in the United States, to the Common Core State Standards. Interactive Writing, Narrated Art, 5 Photo Stories, Narrated Slideshows, Screencasts, Quick Edit Videos, and eBooks are a few of the media products learners should be able to create and safely share online. In this session, we’ll view different examples of student media products and learn about tools and strategies for helping teachers become digitally literate as “media mappers.” We’ll also explore how librarians and instructional coaches can use the “Mapping Media to the Curriculum” website as a roadmap to help teachers and students create media products as assignments for class and as artifacts in digital portfolios.

The slides for my presentation are available on SlideShare. These include a few new additions. I’m using an introductory music video from “The Lego Movie,” and I added slides from my keynote about “Visual Notetaking” at the Oklahoma A+ Schools Conference a few weeks ago.

Mapping Media to the Common Core (Feb 2014) from Wesley Fryer

Later in the day I’ll be sharing breakout sessions on “5 Photo Stories” as well as “Deepening our Learning Through Storytelling: creativity, STEM and stories.”

5 Photo Story by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

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