Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

No-Edit Audio Podcasting Videoconference (referenced links)

This afternoon after school I shared an hour long videoconference to Corpus Christi, Texas, on “No-Edit Audio Podcasting.” We used a TodaysMeet backchannel to share links during the session. Here are the links I shared, with a short description of each one.

Older (pre-2010) Introductory Podcasting Workshop curriculum
Lots of links here to podcasting resources. My newest version of these are on the “Radio Shows” page of Mapping Media.

Podcast Generator Software
A free, open source PHP-based program you can install on your own web host to quickly post audio recordings. Creates an RSS feed as well as web players on each post.

audio recordings from class: Class lectures by Dr. Wesley Fryer
A website I setup several years ago when I was teaching pre-service teachers, using Podcast Generator, to quickly share audio recordings of class lectures.

Sony ICD-PX333 Digital Voice Recorder
My current digital voice recorder, which I take everywhere I go just in case I need it!

“Radio Show” resources from Mapping Media to the Common Core
Updated resources, also a chapter in my 2013 eBook/book “Mapping Media to the Common Core: Vol 1”

A wonderful website and free app for iOS and Android, shows can be up to 30 minutes long, users are given 10 hours of free recording time.

Spreaker app for iOS (free)

Spreaker DJ app for iPad (free)

Example of a “podcast on the go” tweet from the car using Spreaker (from January 15, 2014)

Podcast on the Go Example with Spreaker by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

Podcast on the Go example: “Reflections on STEM Centers, Sound Unit”

iRig Microphone
My favorite iPad microphone (also compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch). Costs $60.

Fuel for Educational Change Agents
No-edit and lightly-edited audio recordings/podcasts by Wesley Fryer

post from March 2012: “Normalize Audio Recordings Before Publishing a Podcast”

Levelator software (free – for normalizing audio recordings which have uneven recording levels)

Auphonic (free – web-based service for normalizing audio, also lets users define presets including show art, meta information, intro/outro bumpers, and more)

First STEMseeds webcast and audio podcast: “Lesson Ideas with Amy and Wes”

EdReach Podcasting Network

Last of all, here is a link to a YouTube post of an audio podcast that Ray (who participated in today’s videoconference) created with other members of his district technology team in February 2012.

13 different videoconferences I offer for teachers are listed on the CILC website. I need to add more session titles and descriptions for all the products in the “Mapping Media” digital literacy framework. It’s wonderful to be able to share videoconferences like today’s after school with teachers in other places. 🙂

What Do You Want to Create Today? by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 




