Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Create an iOS iMovie Video Collage with YouTube Contributions

I’m almost finished with my pre-conference keynote video for the 2014 K-12 Online Conference, which kicks off on October 14th. I’ve used my iPhone for all the video clips, but I’m also including several videos from other people I’ve asked to contribute ideas. I’m THRILLED this is working as I hoped it would. Here is the workflow I’m using to combine these submissions.

K-12 Online Conference Video Contributio by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 

I asked a few other people to record short videos responding to the three questions I’m addressing in my keynote about “Igniting Innovation.” Each person is uploading their video to YouTube. To get those videos from YouTube onto my iPhone and into iMovie for iOS, I’m:

  1. Downloading the YouTube videos in 720p HD mp4 quality using the bookmarklet in Google Chrome on my laptop.
  2. Transferring the mp4 videos from my laptop to my iPhone Photo Roll using the Photo Sync iOS app and Mac OS app. (The iOS app costs $3, the Mac OS app is free. A Windows version is also available.)

In earlier versions of iMovie for iPhone and iPad, the app was “pickier” about the video formats it would accept and let you insert into mobile iMovies you created. It may still be picky, and I’m just getting lucky with this HD formatted mp4 video file format from YouTube. Whatever the case, I’m QUITE excited this method is working to accept mobile video contributions from others. I think this is as easy or easier than using DropBox or another cloud-based file storage option for sharing the video files. I tried to share videos with another Oklahoma teacher a few months back for a similar “crowdsourced” video effort, and we had problems with video files shared via DropBox files we never resolved. Since YouTube transcodes videos which are uploaded, I don’t think it will matter what kind of smartphone or mobile tablet people use to contribute their videos to my pre-conference keynote.

If you’re not planning on participating in the FREE K-12 Online Conference this year, make your plans now and help spread the word! Even if the pre-conference keynote turns out to be a flop, I know the rest of the conference is going to be FILLED with awesome presentations by wonderful teachers and educators! The proposal submission deadline has been extended till September 2nd for two of the strands, Gamification and Games as well as STEAM. Please consider submitting a proposal and/or personally inviting someone you know to submit a proposal.



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