Tag: youtube
Schools Blocking YouTube and Digital Citizenship
Content filtering in schools has always been contentious since students and teachers first gained access to the World Wide Web and the Internet in the 1990s. Today in 2019, however, many people might be surprised that “draconian content filtering policies” (at least in the opinion of this author) are still in place in some schools.…
Student Voice, YouTube, & Digital Citizenship: Rachel Fryer on the TEDx Stage
TEDxWallerMiddleSchool was one of only 22 TEDxYouth events hosted worldwide in 2016, and the only TEDxYouth event held to date in Oklahoma. This was the second time students and educators at Waller Middle School in Enid have hosted a TEDx event. Last year all the speakers were local, but this year a few outside speakers…
Comparing Risks and Benefits of a PreTeen YouTube Channel
Our daughter, Rachel, is thrilled to have hit the 400 subscriber milestone on her YouTube channel. To celebrate and thank her fans, she created a “400 Subscriber Special” video this week that features an awesome “speed draw” as well as details of a special giveaway she’s having. I’m so amazed at how her video creation skills…