Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Comments to the Oklahoma City Board of Education: Oct 20, 2014

This evening I spoke during the “public comment” time at the board meeting of Oklahoma City Public Schools. I specifically addressed the need for more technology funding at Classen School of Advanced Studies. (ClassenSAS) In many ways, ClassenSAS is the leading academic high school in our district, but that is NOT the case when it comes to educational technology. ClassenSAS is currently the most “technology poor” high school in Oklahoma City Public Schools. While ClassenSAS does not qualify for the same grant and Title I funding opportunities as other OKCPS high schools, it should NOT be so technology-poor. I challenged the new OKCPS superintendent, Rob Neu, and his team to create a comparative matrix of technology resources at our district high schools to highlight the disparities and need for more technology funding at ClassenSAS. I recorded my public comments and have posted them to SoundCloud.

I also challenged OKCPS board members to visit ClassenSAS and celebrate the “jewel” which the school is within our city, providing many Oklahoma City students from around our district with outstanding educational opportunities. I specifically mentioned how one of the students my wife taught last year at Positive Tomorrows is attending ClassenSAS as a sixth grader this year. I sense some of our OKCPS board members have misconceptions about ClassenSAS. It’s a wonderfully diverse school filled with talented students from all walks of life, and deserves more support from our board members.

Public comments are limited to just three minutes in OKCPS. Many thanks to the OKCPS board for providing this opportunity for input by parents like me at the board meeting, and for considering my requests.

Our STEM Classroom iPad Cart by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 



