Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast420: eBook Projects & Publishing Workflow Options

In this podcast from the road, Wesley Fryer discusses recent and current eBook projects using the iPad app “Book Creator” by Red Jumper in his STEM classroom and in the library of his elementary school in Yukon, Oklahoma. The five different publishing workflow options he explores in detail are: 1 – Open in iBooks locally, 2- Save to Cloud Storage like DropBox or Google Drive, 3- Email to Posthaven, 4- Export to Video and Publish to YouTube, and 5- Export to PDF and print-on-demand (a hard copy) with He also discusses workflow options in which the classroom teacher posts eBook videos to YouTube after students transfer them to the teacher’s iOS device using the free app InstaShare, and the option of directly posting to YouTube from student iPads using the free app YouTube Capture. Refer to the podcast shownotes for referenced links and resources. Please share comments or feedback as Twitter replies to @wfryer or as comments to this podcast post.

Show Notes:

  1. eBook Project at Independence Elementary, Yukon Public Schools (Oklahoma)
  2. YouTube Playlist of 47 Student eBooks from the “Minecraft Geometry Challenge”
  3. eBook Project Storyboard / Planning Sheet for the MinecraftEDU Geometry Project (PDF)
  4. More MinecraftEDU Resources from Wes’ STEM Curriculum site (including Minecraft Geometry Challenge)
  5. STEM Classroom YouTube Channel of Dr. Fryer (coachfryer)
  6. Book Creator for iPad app by Red Jumper (@bookcreatorapp)
  7. InstaShare app for iPad (free)
  8. Posthaven (Posterous clone)
  9. Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
  10. YouTube Capture app for iPad (free)
  11. (print on demand – paper books)
  12. “Our Favorite Books” Project (Spring 2013 enhanced eBook Project by Mrs. Moore’s 3rd Graders at Quail Creek Elementary, OKCPS)
  13. Tony Vincent’s mobile learning website: Learning in Hand (@tonyvincent)
  14. Follow Wesley Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
  15. Follow Wesley Fryer’s STEM classroom on Twitter: @iesSTEM
  16. Fuel for Educational Change Agents (Wes’ secondary podcast channel)

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MinecraftEDU Screenshot by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 

All past “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” podcast episodes are archived, dating back to August 2005.



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