Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Exemplary MinecraftEDU Water Challenge Build

One of my 5th grade STEM students this semester, Phoebie, did a great job in the MinecraftEDU station of our Maker’s Studio this month. Students used the “Water Challenge Remix” world and project in MinecraftEDU to create irrigation canals and cultivated fields where they could grow wheat and make bread to survive. Phoebie did an awesome job with this MinecraftEDU challenge! Here’s a screenshot of what she built. Usually students work in teams on challenges like this, but Phoebie was the only person in her class who chose MinecraftEDU as their Maker Studio station/center during our last rotation of the semester.

MinecraftEDU Water Challenge Irrigated F by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 

More resources and links about MinecraftEDU are available on my STEM curriculum Google Site.



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