Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

CoWorking Spaces in Oklahoma City (March 2015)

I’m continuing to work with a wonderful group of authors in Oklahoma City who have organized a fantastic writer’s conference the past two years, “Write Well, Sell Well OKC.” (@writesellwellThe conference will be held again in OKC  October 23-24, 2015. We’re meeting this evening and discussing possibilities for locations to hold “Writer’s Intensive Workshops” in upcoming months, before the annual confrence. These are three co-working spaces in Okahoma City that we know about, which we might consider as locations to rent and use.

  1. The Commonwealth (@commonwealthokc)
    611 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102
  2. The Barn OKC (@thebarnokc)
    1601 N Blackwelder Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, 73106
  3.  The 404 in OKC (@404okc)
    704 W Sheridan Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK, 73102

Do you know of other co-working locations in the Oklahoma City area we should add to this list?

OpenBeta5 OKC at the CoCo by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 




