Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

WordPress OKC Meetup Notes: March 30, 2015

These are my notes from the Oklahoma City WordPress Meetup on March 30, 2015. I’m so excited to be able to attend this month because our monthly session meeting was last Monday night rather than tonight! Eric Johnson (@aerychj) from the Automattic Mobile Team (@automattic) is one of our presenters tonight! He’s addressing the topic, “Getting Mobile!” MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS.

Eric mainly works on mobile apps for Automattic, stays in touch with what is happening on the mobile web.

  • In January 2014 Mobile usage exceeded PC usage (CNN Money)
  • January 2015: 80% of internet users own a smartphone, 47% own a tablet
  • search is most common starting point for mobile research

Next month, Google will be considering “mobile friendliness” for Page Rank!

86% of people’s time is spent in apps today, just 14% on the mobile web

89% is media consumption, 11% is mobile web media consumption (via

article: “Apps Solidify Leadership Six Years into the Mobile Revolution” (April 2014)

Get into Google Analytics and do some analysis on your mobile traffic:

  • what % is mobile traffic?
  • what is your mobile % bounce rate?
  • what is your duration of visit
  • what is the average screen resolution of people visiting your site?

What is your page rank today for your search terms? Are you page 1 today?

Highly recommended for WordPress users: Google Analytics by Yoast

Yoast SEO Plugin is also great

3 ways to go mobile with your site (all 3 Google considers good mobilizations)

  1. responsive (same HTML for desktop and mobile, CSS adapts layout to different screen sizes, this has been a big trend in design circles)
  2. dynamically served (server detects device, different HTML depending on device, WPtouch & Jetpack are examples)
  3. separate mobile site (mobile specific version at separate URL, example is DudaMobile)

How do you choose what is best for your needs?

RESOURCE I FOUND: Google’s “Optimize Google Sites for Mobile” page

What about apps?

  • Check out AppPresser: It takes a WordPress site and “appifies it” for a fee, they generate the app but you have to submit to Apple
  • AppPresser is build on top of PhoneGap

“The days of building an app and getting rich are over.” (building an app that complements an existing/separate “channel” that you have is another story, however)

Via @morganestes: oEmbeds were added to WordPress in version 3.9, great to use direct URLs to YouTube videos instead of custom embed code on WordPress because they become responsive in most responsive themes

Automattic has completely redesigned the entire site with new code, huge changes

WP API is a new version of WordPress site connectivity which is not YET in the “WordPress core,” but is coming soon

  • This will address/solve the problems now present with XML-RPC (these are some of the issues addressed by WordPress security plugins like WordFence and iThemes Security)

Eric did a short demo of the free WordPress iOS app

  • You can now choose a visual editor on the app to show and use rich text without HTML markup
  • You can subscribe to other RSS feeds to read within the app now, not super-easy to do still tho

Recommended podcast: “A Tour of the WordPress Database” via Lynn Dye (@LynnToTheRescue)

Got WordPress by Javier Aroche, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Javier Aroche 



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