Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

K12 Online Conference Webinar Saturday Sept 19th

Please plan to join organizers of the FREE K12 Online Conference for a webinar this Saturday, September 19, 2015 at noon Eastern / 11 am Central / 10 am Mountain / 9 am Pacific on Classroom 2.0 Live. Complete details are available on

This is the 10th year for the K12 Online Conference and it’s going to be FANTASTIC yet again! Our 2015 keynote speakers include Don Wettrick @DonWettrick, Alan Levine @cogdogStephanie Chang @MakerEdOrg, Scott McLeod @mcleod, and Karen Bosch @karlyb. Strands include MakerEd, Stories of Connections, Overcoming Obstacles, and Beyond the Core: Arts and More. The full lineup of presentations and presenters is available on the 2015 Schedule. A printable PDF flyer is also available. Saturday join us in the Classroom 2.0 webinar to learn even more!

The 2015 K12 Online Conference promotional video provides additional info about strands and speakers.

Hope to see you in Saturday’s webinar on Classroom 2.0 Live!




