Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Managing WordPress Installations in CPANEL (Monday Sept 28th)

If you are a WordPress user or interested in WordPress, come to the FREE OKC WordPress Users Group on Monday, September 28th at Oklahoma Christian University (OC) in Edmond. The meetup starts at 7 pm. I’ll be presenting on the topic, “Managing WordPress Installations in CPANEL.” Some of the topics I plan to address include:

  1. What is CPANEL & Why Use It?
  2. Installing WordPress with CPANEL’s File Manager
  3. MySQL Wizard in CPANEL
  4. Security Considerations for New WordPress Installs (UserIDs, Table Prefixes & Wordfence!)
  5. Managing MySQL Databases and Users in CPANEL
  6. Creating Subdomain WordPress Websites (like
  7. Using Add-On Slot Websites in CPANEL
  8. Using phpMyAdmin to Repair and Optimize WordPress PHP Tables
  9. Recommended Starter Plug-ins

This is a monthly users group and there’s always plenty of new stuff to learn, whether you are a WordPress newbie or guru. Hope to see you there.

WordPress Foundation Lanyards by Alexander Gounder, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Alexander Gounder 



