Welcome to the November 20, 2016, podcast episode of “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” with Wesley Fryer. This episode includes two recent presentation recordings by Wes from the last two weeks. The first was the opening keynote at the November 12, 2016, Google Summit in Maize, Kansas, titled “Innovating with Google Tools.” The second is an audio recording of Wes’ TEDx presentation on Saturday, November 19, 2016, at Waller Middle School in Enid, Oklahoma. Wes was one of three adult presenters in this #TEDxYouth event, which is one of only 19 similar events in the United States in 2016. The title of Wes’ presentation was, “Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State.” Check the podcast shownotes for links to the presentation slides from both of these sessions, as well as recent podcasts with and by Wes from the past week referenced in the introduction. If you listen to and enjoy this episode, please reach out to Wes with a comment or via a Twitter reply to @wfryer. Thanks for listening to “Moving at the Speed of Creativity!”
- Wesley Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
- Slides from “Innovate with Google Tools” (Keynote at Google Summit in Maize, Kansas, 11/12/2016)
- Slides for Wes Fryer’s November 19, 2016 TEDx Talk in Enid, Oklahoma: “Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State”
- More resources about “Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State” (an @edtechSR project)
- More info about TedXWallerMiddleSchool
- Rachel Fryer’s YouTube Channel (@rachfMC)
- Slides from Rachel Fryer’s November 19, 2016 TEDx Talk in Enid, Oklahoma: “Tales from a Teenage Minecraft YouTuber”
- EduThoughts Podcast Interview with Wes Fryer by Derek Rhodenizer
- EdTech Situation Room Episode 29 with Jennifer Carey (@TeacherJenCarey – @edtechSR)
- “Reimagining The Spaces In Which We Learn” by David Jakes (@djakes)
- “Reimagining Learning Spaces Panel Discussion” by David Jakes (@djakes)
- Audio PODCAST: Creating GeoMaps with Google Forms, Sheets, and Maps (Nov 2016)
- Audio PODCAST: Quick Edit Videography Tips (Nov 2016)
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I've heard it twice today and I am convinced! @wfryer "Video is the pencil of the 21st century." #gsummitmaize
— MarciaHersh (@MarciaHersh) November 12, 2016
All past “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” podcast episodes are archived, dating back to August 2005.