Tag: blogs

  • Enlisting Student Moderators for Classroom Blog Posts

    What a beautiful sight this was today in our school library! A team of 4th and 5th grade student volunteers, who have been working as mentors in our enhanced eBook project, are now helping moderate both comments and student posts on the 22 classroom blogs we have at our school.    by  Wesley Fryer  I wish…

  • Implications of Radical Change to Cultural Access

    Larry Lessig is a thought leader and author I deeply respect. Thanks to Michelle Thorne’s post yesterday on the Creative Commons blog, I learned about Dr. Lessig’s presentation from November at EduCause which is available on blip.tv, “It is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright.” If you are remotely interested in copyright and intellectual…

  • Podcast276: Imagineering the Ideal K-6 Classroom Learning Environment (Part 1)

    In this podcast I share 45 minutes worth of brainstorming on the subject, “Given all the resources, administrative and parental support needed, how would you imagineer the ideal K-6 classroom learning environment?” Imagineering is a term I associate with Walt Disney and Disneyland, where creative and capable individuals come together to both imagine and engineer…