Tag: creative

  • iPad Musical Creativity Apps

    Today at the OTA / EncycloMedia 2016 Conference in Oklahoma City, keynote speaker Shannon M. Miller (@shannonmmiller) shared a wealth of apps, websites, and project ideas in her breakout session, “Igniting Innovation and Creativity in Our Makerspaces With Digital Tools and Apps.” One of the apps she shared is “MusiQuest – Music & Beat Maker.”…

  • Shifting from Writing to Videography

    Andrew B. Watt here… Over the last few months, I’ve made a shift in my online footprint, from being a blogger to a video-maker. It started as a foray into video work but it’s become a part of my classroom process, homework review process, and online activity. Wes asked me to write a bit about how…

  • Podcast345: Open Educational Resources (OER) – Iowa 1:1 Institute

    As more schools embrace 1:1 learning on a variety of platforms, the importance of digital curriculum will grow. Open Educational Resources (OER) are licensed under terms which permit other educators to both use and (in some cases) remix content to fit the standards, context, and needs of their classrooms. This podcast is a recording of…

  • Technical troubleshooting and tinkering are essential skills

    Like it or not, technologies are a part of our lives today and show no signs of completely going away. While I resonate with those advocating for more time spent outdoors in unstructured environments, dream of working for hours in my own garden someday, and often have new-Luddite sentiments about a variety of topics relating…