Tag: highlight

  • Share eBook Highlights from iBooks

    This morning I taught the lesson for our Sunday School class as a substitute teacher, and in addition to my slides was able to share all my highlighted notes from the lesson’s chapter in our book, “Good to Great in God’s Eyes” by Chip Ingram. (@chipingram) In this post, I’ll share how I used the iBooks…

  • View Kindle Notes on a Webpage

    I love highlighting and making notes in nonfiction books I read for fun. I have not completely transitioned to reading ebooks in lieu of paper books, but for the books I am reading electronically the option to digitally highlight is great. One of the exciting things I learned yesterday from Will Richardson is how to…

  • Comparing iPad PDF readers for annotation #edapp

    Goodreader and iAnnotate are the two best applications I’ve used to date for reading PDF files and annotating them on an iPad. I like the way iAnnotate supports signatures, which can be handy when you need to sign a document, but I don’t like the fact that it doesn’t handle double column PDFs for annotations…