Tag: share

  • What Makes an Effective Technology Committee in Education (v.2)

    I have been ask about a post I did awhile back “What Makes an Effective Technology Committee in Education”  as much as any I have ever done.  Getting the chance write for Wes a little this week seemed a good time to come back to this topic.  I have always meant to do a edit…

  • Stuff I Want to Share at OTA – Encyclo-Media 2012

    Next Tuesday and Wednesday I’ll be attending, presenting, and learning at the 2012 Oklahoma Technology Association / Encylo-Media Conference in Oklahoma City. It’s been two years since I’ve been able to attend this February conference and I’m really looking forward to the opportunity. For my session handout this year, I decided to create a one…

  • iOS Apps for Productivity and Fun: The List!

    In preparation for next week’s face-to-face and online workshop on December 29th, “iOS Apps for Productivity and Fun (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch)” I’ve created an accompanying handout which includes categorized lists of applications we’ll be sharing. I say “we” because my kids have agreed to assist me as workshop facilitators! These apps, linked to…

  • RockMelt: A Chrome-based Browser for the Facebook Generation

    RockMelt is a new web browser based on Chromium (by Google) and tightly integrated with the social web, particularly Facebook. This 2.5 minute video gives a short overview. As Michael Calore writes in his article “First Look at RockMelt, a Browser Built For Facebook Freaks” for Wired, many of the ideas of RockMelt have been…

  • Podcast345: Open Educational Resources (OER) – Iowa 1:1 Institute

    As more schools embrace 1:1 learning on a variety of platforms, the importance of digital curriculum will grow. Open Educational Resources (OER) are licensed under terms which permit other educators to both use and (in some cases) remix content to fit the standards, context, and needs of their classrooms. This podcast is a recording of…