Tag: tmobile
FaceTime Connection During a Tornado Warning
This past Wednesday night when I was in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, at least two tornados and “lots of straightline winds” hit Oklahoma City not too far from the neighborhood where our family lives. No new details on OKC-Moore damage survey. Confirm at least 2 brief tornadoes. Max rating EF1. Lots of straight line wind damage. #okwx — NWS…
Laptops and iPhones Can Eat Cellular LTE Data FAST
The past two days I’ve been in Tahlequah and Stilwell, Oklahoma, sharing some presentations and providing some coaching/mentoring for teachers at Maryetta School on behalf of Storychasers. I was delighted to find LTE cellular data service through T-Mobile was available in Tahlequah at my hotel. This meant my laptop could access the Internet MUCH faster tethered to my…
Block Text Messages / SMS Spam and Phone Calls on Your iPhone
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. My teenage daughter recently started receiving annoying text messages on her iPhone from another student at her school. This isn’t a case of bullying: Apparently this particular student likes to send “group SMS messages” like some folks send spam email. In this post I’ll describe how…
Avoiding AT&T’s Ridiculous iPhone Data Fees by Switching to T-Mobile
This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. The cost of activating an iPhone with AT&T is absolutely ridiculous. Since I have several kids, and eventually want all of them to be able to use smartphones, this is a real concern for me. Our family wireless bill now exceeds a monthly car payment, and…