Tag: verizon
Upgrade a Verizon Hotspot for $22 Without a New Contract
Mobile, cellular hotspots can be money pits, but they also can be lifesavers if you’re presenting about educational technology in a location with spotty connectivity or draconian Internet content filtering. After considerable research in the summer of 2012, I opted to start paying $50 per month for 5 GB of wireless data from Verizon. At the time…
Laptops and iPhones Can Eat Cellular LTE Data FAST
The past two days I’ve been in Tahlequah and Stilwell, Oklahoma, sharing some presentations and providing some coaching/mentoring for teachers at Maryetta School on behalf of Storychasers. I was delighted to find LTE cellular data service through T-Mobile was available in Tahlequah at my hotel. This meant my laptop could access the Internet MUCH faster tethered to my…
iPhone Mobile Hotspot Capability Coming with iOS 4.3?
MacRumors reported today the forthcoming iOS 4.3 from Apple, demoed on the CDMA Verizon iPhones announced today, will support the creation of mobile hotspots. The big question for customers, however, is whether local carriers will permit this function to be activated. The track record of AT&T in the U.S. with supported tethering makes this uncertain.…