Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Here comes Lego Star Wars 2!

Lego Star Wars 2 is due out in September 2006, and to say I am excited about this release would be to vastly understate reality.

Lego Star Wars 2

These pre-release screen shots from the game just add fuel to the fire!

Han and Luke battling to get to the Falcon on the Death Star:

Lego Star Wars 2 screenshot

Luke and one of his Dad’s evil flying buddies battling in the trench with the future of the galaxy at stake:

Lego Star Wars 2 screenshot

I’m sure Luke and Leia will even make the heroic jump over the chasm together! Whoa, talk about flashbacks to the past. It will be 1977 all over again, but I (and my 8 year old son I’m sure) will be in the middle of the action! 🙂 I can’t wait.

Thanks to Devin Henley for the link to these screenshots!

According to the February 10, 2006 LucasArts press release:

For the first time ever, levels feature vehicles and creatures that players can ride or exit at will. Also, in LEGO Star Wars II’s Free Play mode, gamers can customize more than 50 new playable characters by mixing and matching body parts, to build their own LEGO Star Wars heroes. And on certain platforms, a game save from the first LEGO Star Wars can unlock as many as 56 additional characters for Free Play — that’s more than 100 characters total, plus millions of possible creations! Other exciting additions include the ability to Free Play with vehicles, cool new character-specific attacks and maneuvers, playable mini-kit vehicles, an optional advanced mode for experienced players and more.

“Whether it was your first gaming experience or you’ve played everything released since Pong, the first LEGO Star Wars was one of those rare video games that everyone enjoyed,” said Jim Ward, president of LucasArts. “With LEGO Star Wars II, LucasArts is working with TT Games and Traveller’s Tales not only to set players loose through the original three chapters of the Star Wars Saga, but also to make this feel like the true sequel our fans have been clamoring for.”

I’m hoping the new version will also permit 4 player simultaneous mode, rather than just two. This is going to be great!

(If you need additional evidence of my enthusiasm for the Star Wars saga and the impact of this story on my childhood, take a look at the top graphic on my blog. Yes, that IS an X-wing!)

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On this day..






One response to “Here comes Lego Star Wars 2!”

  1. Steve Dembo Avatar

    LoL, I had no idea! I’ve looked at that graphic a dozen times and never noticed where it really was! That’s a riot.

    Well, I certainly enjoyed the first Lego Star Wars, but am definitely much more eager to play the original trilogy. Heh, any game that let’s you play as R2D2 is a winner in my book!