Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Angus King on 1:1

Andy Carvin has posted a 50 minute audio podcast of former Maine governor Angus King presentation “A Brief History of Maine’s Laptop Program” from the Anytime, Anywhere Learning conference in Boston in June 2006, along with his notes from the session. Thanks to both Angus and Andy for sharing! 🙂

Incidentally, AALF has a great news feed for updates worldwide relating to 1:1 computing. I just wish they were publishing an RSS feed too!







One response to “Angus King on 1:1”

  1. Cheryl Oakes Avatar

    I am so proud that this initiative is in Phase2, with the State of Maine. It is so exciting for our digital natives, also being called Millennial Kids. Watch the State of Maine as we go Global.