Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Top web 2.0 priorities for 2007

What are the web 2.0-related technologies or technology uses you are must enthusiastic about as you move into 2007, from a personal or professional-use standpoint?

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On this day..






6 responses to “Top web 2.0 priorities for 2007”

  1. Cathy Nelson Avatar

    Feeling pretty savvy at blogging and using rss. Having difficulty getting teachers and students to buy in and use though.
    Feeling somewhat proficient at podcasting (at least receiving)–need to beef up expertise on creating them. Then I can introduce this as a tool to demonstrate concept mastery and an opportunity for collaboration.
    Still clueless on wikis (which is my goal for the upcoming year!) I know this is where the most potential for collaboration lies, but haven’t seen enough good examples to suggest this for a way to collaborate.
    Skype is awesome. But I’m still a beginner.

  2. JenniferW Avatar

    I really wish to improve on my videocasting in 2007 — and create MANY MANY tutorials to be offered through my site on the tools of Web 2.0. I am too new to my new MAC to totally understand all that iMovie will allow me to do — and (grins) I think I am making it much too difficult.

    I also wish to improve my Blogging to be a bit more “hmmm” professional. I tend to be too familiar at times and don’t want to be seen as just “fluff”.

    Those are the educational goals —

    My personal goal is to migrate from my PC to my new Mac without too much resistance on my part. I am sooooo comfy with Paint Shop Pro on my PC and am struggling with PhotoShop Elements — just because it’s different and not familiar. AND I wish to become braver with using Video Skype. Grins, as you know from our chat in Hawaii, I tend to look “Kilroyish” when I do videoskype and need to hold my head high!! 🙂

    Finally — I am truly looking forward to using MANY of the tools of Web 2.0 in the online projects I host. We just finished a good project using Bubbleshare, and the Charlotte’s Web Project has examples of wikis, blogs, photosharing, webpages, podcasts, and more. It is exciting to see teachers being stretched a bit from their comfort level and enjoying it — and I am pleased as punch that I am their cheerleader when they do. Bringing teachers together & using the tools of Web 2.0 will be one of my MAJOR focuses in 2007.

    Happy New Year to you, my friend.
    God Bless,

  3. Sharon Peters Avatar

    Skype has changed the way I communicate with my social network of peers; mostly I use the chat feature, but the fact that it permits conference calls, skypecasts, AS WELL AS instant messaging (and can be recorded for podcasting) which may all be managed simultaneously makes it very powerful. Schools are beginning to use this tool to communicate cross-culturally. I think skype holds great promise as a ubiquitous communication tool for classrooms and professional development.
    Podcasting is going to get even bigger – that is my prediction. Bigger meaning mainstream educational institutions (particularly K12) will see its value and make an investment into its practice.
    Youtube and Google video are also going to affect the way we view entertainment. Already my three teens and husband are watching Youtube more than television. I would like to see schools harness the power of YOutube to challenge their students to the creation of their own videos – educational or entertainment (or maybe both) in order to share with a world-wide audience.
    Blogging has improved the writing skills of my own students – I would like to see some acceptable research results that demonstrates this so that school administrators will be more open to web 2.0 applications for classroom practices.
    Wikis are also going to be used more in education as teachers realize what a great delivery tool wikis are for all kinds of information. Students will use wikis for collating and synthesizing information – some of the best work my students have done in the last few months were presented on wikis.

  4. Axel Schultze Avatar

    Very interesting blog and in particular your view on the video side of the world. It inspired me to write some predictions for 2007. See

    I love your spam protection – simplicity is king !!!!

  5. Kevin Avatar

    hi Wesley

    First of all, thanks for sitting so comfortably in my RSS Bloglines — you are a very reliable source of cool information and insights. Keep it up in 2007!

    I am enthusiastic about how video might help transform the writing process but I’d be lying to know what I mean by that. I would like to find ways to move beyond just recording something and plopping it on the Internet, although I do quite a bit of that.

    Rather, I would like to investigate ways in which the webpage, with embedded video, can be a template for creative expression in new ways. I have tried it a bit with a project that I called Blink (see it here: but think there are so many more possibilities.

    I do worry that we, as educators, are not doing enough critical thought to figure how to get beyond things are just cool and into tools that can expand the critical thinking and creativity of our students. I know I need to do much more of it myself, so I am pointing the finger directly at myself here.

    Anyway, thanks again for your blogging and podcasting and everything else.


  6. Tom Barrett Avatar

    Hi Wesley – just having a blog professionally and in my class since September has opened up so many opportunities for me and my class. I have written articles for Google and for NAACE and my children have connected with others from all across the globe.

    For next year I want more real writing opportunities. I want my children to connect with others; have writing tasks set for them and then produce/publish that work to their real audience. Web 2 apps make this so easy but not enough of it is done, after all my children will sit in a hall some time in May and be asked to write something for a test. So I want them to make the most of this new read/write web but principally I want them individually to become better readers/writers.
