Greetings from warm, sunny and beautiful Anaheim, California! I flew in this evening for the EduComm2007 conference, which is part of the larger InfoComm2007 event predicted to have around 18,000 attendees this year. Yikes! I was pleased to see the Duke waiting to greet me at the Orange County Airport.
Unfortunately my checked luggage was not able to make the trip (at least concurrently) with me from Oklahoma, so hopefully it will arrive at the hotel sometime this evening. If not, I may be presenting tomorrow in my airplane wardrobe. Good think I didn’t fly in shorts, tevas, and a Van Halen tshirt. 😉
The Internet access here at the Anaheim Marriott is MARVELOUS!
Quite a far cry from the “slower than a 14.4 modem” speed at the Austin, Holiday Inn this past February for TCEA!
It would be nice to have my checked luggage right now for sure, but I am pleased to have my most important tools for learning (and doing my job) at hand. For the Duke, his six gun was doubtless the most important tool at his fingertips:
For me, it’s a MacBook laptop, an iRiver audio recorder, a video iPod, a CoolPix digital camera, a cell phone and an Internet connection. Hmmmm. I guess I could almost exchange all those for an iPhone! I’m debating now whether to attempt to wait all day on June 29th for one after NECC! You’d think maybe I’d have an “in” at getting one early or more easily, but such is not the case…..
I’ll be blogging notes and reflections on the sessions in the K-12 strand at EduComm tomorrow and Wednesday. Those will be posted here, or you can use the HitchHikr page for the conference to see both blog and Flickr photo posts.
Technorati Tags: educomm, educomm07, infocomm, infocomm07
One response to “Greetings from Anaheim”
Hey Wes,
Sorry to hear about the luggage issue. I can’t wait for the iPhone either, I think it’s going to be very successful!! (and I want one really bad too).
Guess what? I’m browsing your site with Safari 3 for Windows now!!