Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast201: So The World Is Flat. Now What?

This podcast is a recording of my keynote address at the TechForum Southwest conference sponsored by Technology and Learning on November 2, 2007. Schools need to change to better prepare students for the dynamic challenges and opportunities of the 21st century “flat world” highlighted by Tom Friedman in his book “The World is Flat.” The $1 million question is, “How?” In this session we’ll address practical ways educational leaders are supporting a constructive agenda for cultural change in schools using digital technologies as catalysts, levers, and amplifiers.  Blogging, digital storytelling, social networking, and collaborative document authoring can play powerful roles in reshaping learning cultures while developing critical learner literacies mandated by the ISTE NETS. Differentiated strategies for supporting cultural learning change for teachers ranging from innovators/early adopters to late majority/laggards will be highlighted and explored. Together, we can “invent the future.”

mp3 podcast

  1. Presentation slides as a PDF file (17.5 MB)

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2 responses to “Podcast201: So The World Is Flat. Now What?”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Here is my flat world experience. I start driving to work this morning and I plug in my ipod to listen to a long list of podcasts I haven’t gotten to recently. I select this podcast and things are going great. Then Wes starts talking about Allentown. Not just any Allentown, but the city I am driving towards to teach at Louis E. Dieruff High School, one of two high schools in the Allentown School District.
    The words of the song are pretty accurate of the attitudes around here, but there is a quiet movement a foot. Change is creeping in, and it is a good thing. Bethlehem Steel is gone, but many great things are left or are coming here to the Lehigh Valley. I hope I am one of many facilitators of those changes.
    Thanks for helping me see the colorful trees in my forest!

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Wow, that really amazing, Donna! Thanks for sharing YOUR flat world experience from THE Allentown, Pennsylvania! All our communities need change facilitators and catalysts! 🙂