Wow! NECC 2008 is still a few days away, but thanks to ongoing discussions on the conference Ning I feel like the conference has already physically started. It HAS virtually started, thanks to the Ning, so perceptually for me and many others it HAS started… Are we living in exciting times or what?!
When I created discussions for my three formal (1 – 2 – 3) and one informal session at NECC last night per the official instructions for speakers, I noticed it was possible to enable RSS on the threads. I discovered this evening, however, that the RSS link specific to a discussion does not show up until there has been at least one comment on that initial discussion thread post:
I continue to love using the Safari web browser for most of my web surfing, due to its speed as well as its feature of letting me save RSS feeds in the bookmark bar. When I do this, and new comments or posts “come in” on the feed, the number of new items shows up in the bookmark bar making it easy to track and follow them:
Tools and tricks like this one with Safari are invaluable to me to stay abreast of “feeds” I want to track and follow. As I’ve said before (in a three part podcast series, actually) we live in an attention economy. Intentionally managing the flows of information which we permit and direct onto our personal attention “radar screens” is a vital 21st century skill. We should have an NECC Unplugged session on that topic! 🙂
What’s on your radar screen this evening? With NECC 2008 just around the corner, there are LOTS of new bogeys coming our way. The good news is, I think they are all “friendlies.” 🙂
One response to “Monitor NECC 2008 Ning discussions with RSS”
I’m looking to spend my time in the assessment arena. Authentic assessment. ePortfolio assessment. Etc. Look forward to the conversations. See ya at the RibFest Sunday.