Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Ustream at Night from the Lincoln Memorial

Happy Independence Day, everyone, from our nation’s capitol city!

The following UStream video was recorded the evening of July 3, 2009, at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C. At the start we had some audio feedback for a few seconds because of a second Ustream window I had opened, but after closing that window the feedback problem was resolved.

The video runs 34 minutes. Since I had my Macbook Pro laptop and AT&T 3G data card, I figured we might as well give this a try, and I was pleased with the connectivity speed. Unfortunately the US Park Service would not let us hold an “open laptop” on the memorial at the level of the Lincoln statue, but we were still able to show and discuss the memorial (as well as other things we’ve seen this week in the D.C. area) from the platform below the upper memorial steps.

It was fun to be able to share this video as storychasers!

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