Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Ideas on Human Motivation shared via StopMotion and Creative Drawing

Combine powerful ideas from Dan Pink, an extremely talented artist, stopmotion photography and Youtube: What do you get? The almost-eleven minute video, “RSA Animate – Drive.” This is one of the best visual presentations of ideas I’ve ever seen.

School administrators and politicians, are you listening? As educators we need to be.

Sean Griffin‘s artistic live-drawing of Oklahoma SDE-sponsored summit on dropouts in March 2009 immediately came to mind when I saw this, along with Rachel Smith’s recent iPad sketches at Northern Voice 2010. It’s amazing to see time-lapse / stopmotion video of these creations with a superimposed audio-track, as RSA did with this Dan Pink presentation. VERY effective method for visual presentations.

Via Chris Cameron on ReadWriteStart.

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