Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

How to add administrators to a Facebook business page

If you’ve created a Facebook business page, you can grant “administrative rights” to the page for other individuals who you’ve friended on Facebook. After being granted admin rights, these individuals can help you manage your page. This is a three step process, after you are logged into Facebook and have clicked on your page.

Step 1: Click EDIT Page

Under your page’s current logo image, click on the EDIT PAGE option.

Step 1: Click Edit Page


You’ll find the MANAGE ADMINS link in the left sidebar. As of this writing in December 2010, it’s the fifth link under “Marketing.”

Step 2 - Click Manage Admins

Step 3: Type the names of Facebook friends and SAVE CHANGES

Remember you’ll want to have your desired page administrators as “Facebook Friends” before this step. When you start typing a name, current friends’ names starting with the characters you’ve entered should appear. Select the desired name and click SAVE CHANGES.

Step 3 - Type and Select Admins You Want

Remember page administrators will have ALL the rights to post content, moderate content, and change settings on your page which you have as the page creator. Delegate administrative rights with care! Having multiple page administrators can be a great thing, since it permits groups of people to collaboratively post and manage a Facebook page. It’s also possible to have “too many cooks in the kitchen,” however, with too many administrators. Craft a social media policy for your organization which clearly outlines responsibilities and strategies for using Facebook as well as other platforms to share your messages and tell your story. If you work for a non-profit or business wanting more information about effectively using social media, consider contacting Emily Garman who is the COO of The Oklahoma Media Group. She’s also the creator of The Social Animal. I heard Emily present in October at OpenBeta5 in Oklahoma City, and was very impressed with her ideas as well as track record successfully leveraging social media for nonprofit causes and commercial endeavors.

Another great social media guru I’d recommend contacting is Mike Koehler, who leads Smirk New Media. Mike shared some amazing examples of Convergence Media last summer at the Oklahoma Multimedia Teachers’ Workshop at OU, and did some great social media work this fall supporting the Creativity World Forum in Oklahoma City.

Access helpful discussions about Facebook Business Pages in the Facebook Help Forums and FAQs. Get answers about Facebook Groups in the official FAQs and forums also.

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