Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Fuel for Educational Change Agents: A new, lightly-edited podcast channel

I’m pleased to announce the launch of “Fuel for Educational Change Agents,” a new educational podcast channel available on

Fuel for Educational Change Agents - FREE Educational Podcast

The official description of this new channel, which I’m publishing using free / open source Podcast Generator software, is:

This audio podcast channel includes a variety of audio recordings by and recorded by Wesley Fryer, published for educators worldwide interested in free, audio-based professional development. This is a supplementary podcast channel (complementing “Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts“) which typically includes longer and lightly edited or unedited audio recordings.

I recorded a seven minute introduction as the initial podcast in the channel, providing a bit more information about why I created this new site. While all episodes in the channel are currently of my own workshops, that will not be the case for all future episodes. (I have well over 100 past recordings from conferences which I’ll potentially be sharing here.) This podcast channel title and subdomain address are the result of feedback I received following my December 17th post, “Help Needed: A Name for an Uncut Audio Channel.”

Since all episodes are not shown on the homepage, remember to click “Podcast Archive” at the top of the page and choose either a category or “show all episodes.”

As of today, nine episodes are available from the three workshops I taught in Oklahoma City and virtually in December. Those workshop titles, resource wiki links, and audio podcast recordings are:

Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations & Drawing BYOL Workshop
Part 1 morning recording
Part 2 afternoon recording

Google Maps and Google Earth BYOL Workshop
Part 1 morning recording
Part 2 afternoon recording

iOS Apps for Productivity & Fun (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

For more information about how to use Podcast Generator (and how I used it this past fall for a course audio lecturecast at the University of North Texas) see my September 2010 post, “Creating a course audio lecturecast (podcast) with Podcast Generator.” Also check out my December 8th post, “Compressing Audio Lecturecasts for Publishing with Switch Software.” That post includes the following screencast about using Podcast Generator.

I hope some of the audio podcasts in “Fuel for Educational Change Agents” prove useful to you! If they do, please drop me a line or send me a tweet! Happy listening! 🙂

Wes Fryer in the Sprankle PodCave

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