Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Oklahoma Educators, EduLeaders, and Edu Organizations on Twitter #EdCampOKC

It’s important to amplify local creativity, innovation, and leadership. With that idea in mind, I’ve started two new Twitter lists: One for educators and educational leaders in Oklahoma ( and another for Oklahoma organizations involved in education and learning (

Twitter- A list of Oklahoma organizations involved in education and learning

If you know of an individual or organization on Twitter in Oklahoma who should be added to these lists, please let me know by commenting on this post. We can gain ideas and inspiration from anyone, regardless of geography, but there is a great deal of potential synergy in networking with others who share our passions and live near us! Your help in contributing Twitter IDs to these lists can hopefully advance that goal here in Oklahoma. The Iowa 1-to-1 Schools project is an example of this. I’d love to better facilitate that type of collaboration, sharing, and amplification of creative learning approaches here in our state.

One of the great things about Twitter lists is you can readily follow the list as well as individual Twitter accounts included on the list. The Twitter4Teachers Wiki is a great resource for finding other educators globally, who are on Twitter, who teach in specific content areas. The wiki does not readily help in locating educators in a specific state or region, however.

I’m hopeful many of the individuals (as well as organizations) on these Oklahoma Twitter lists will be interested in helping organize EdCampOKC in 2011!


I’m planning to attend EdCampPlano on Saturday, May 14, 2011. If you live anywhere near the Dallas / Fort Worth area, consider attending also – it’s free and sure to be an inspirational day of networking as well as learning! EdCampOmaha is scheduled for March 26, 2011. It’s farther away than Plano for me, but still is driveable. 🙂

Last year at our State Superintendent’s Technology Day at the Capitol, Tammy Parks worked with others to create a collaborative wiki of Oklahoma schools which participated. ( I think we need to do more to amplify and share the ways LOCAL schools are utilizing digital tools for creativity, collaboration, and blended learning. I’m positive organizing an EdCamp event here in Oklahoma would catalyze lots of innovative thinking along those lines, for new and more effective ways to reach that as well as other educational reform / change / transformation goals.

It would also be simply a lot of fun, I’m predicting!

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