Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Using iPadio to Create a Final Exam Study Guide Phonecast

This semester in my two undergraduate sections of “Technology 4 Teachers” at the University of Central Oklahoma, I’m having my students take a 20 question multiple choice final exam. This is the only multiple choice assessment I’m giving all semester, as the rest of the course is project based with six different themes. I decided to go with a final this semester because I want my students to spend a little more time studying our course themes, particularly Creative Commons, Fair Use and Copyright. This evening after finishing my final exam (and successfully exporting/importing the questions from one WebCT/Blackboard course to the other) I recorded a twelve minute phonecast using iPadio (a great free tool, btw) which is a final exam study guide. I got the idea for doing this several years ago from Eric Langhorst (an amazing US history teacher in Liberty, Missouri) but haven’t had an opportunity and taken the time to create one myself until now. I posted a link to and the embedded version of this phonecast to both my class blogs for each section, on EduBlogs and KidBlog.

Final Exam Study Guide Phonecast

In addition to helping my students prepare for their final, I’m hoping this use of iPadio and phonecasting will give them more ideas for how they can use phonecasts to support learning with their own students when they get into classrooms of their own. The audio quality of this phonecast wasn’t great since I recorded it in my kitchen (where there are a lot of reflective, hard surfaces) but it is passable. I didn’t use the iPadio iPhone app either, I just called the provided number to record the phonecast. I want to demonstrate for my students that ANY phone can be used to create a phonecast, so this is something anyone can use in creative ways to support learning. 🙂

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One response to “Using iPadio to Create a Final Exam Study Guide Phonecast”

  1. Jessica Brown Avatar
    Jessica Brown

    Hello Mr. Fryer,

    I have been following your blog for a few weeks now and I wanted to thank you for such interesting posts. I have never heard of iPadio before, but I think this could be a great tool to help in the classroom. I am planning on teaching elementary education, but I can see where I could use this on my blog for my students’ parents. I would like to show what we are working on and give tutorials that will help parents help their children at home. I think that this would be a great tool for me to leave messages, tutorials, or even reviews so that the parents can become more involved and participate with their childrens’ education. Thank you again for posting this and I look forward to trying out some of the different resources you have taught me in my future classroom.

    Jessica Brown
    EDM310 Student
    University of South Alabama