A new two hour documentary film was released in select U.S. theaters this fall about teaching and public education: American Teacher. It’s a direct response to last year’s “Waiting for Superman” movie, which (among other things) cast teacher unions as demons in educational improvement debates. See my October 2010 post, “Waiting For Superman: A Good Film to Provoke Conversations We Need” for more background.
I have not seen “American Teacher” yet, but the previews look excellent. It’s strange to learn, however (via Dana Goldstein) the film never addresses the contentious issues of teacher unions, testing, or merit pay based on student test results.
Check out the official movie trailer as well as introductory videos about the four teachers highlighted in the documentary film. I hope to see this movie soon.
A list of upcoming screenings of this movie around the United States is available, along with instructions about screening the film in your area. Follow the project on Twitter @teachersalary. I hope someone will take the lead and bring this film to Oklahoma City.
Hat tip to Mary Frances Agnello for sharing this film.
Technorati Tags: american, education, film, reform, school, teacher, video