Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

2011 #k12online Conference Starts Monday

The ‘regular week’ presentations of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference start tomorrow on Monday, November 28th, at 8 am EST! Please check our conference schedule the next two weeks for daily updates, Monday through Friday! 4 new presentations will be published daily, focusing on our theme, “Purposeful Play.”

Professional development certificates for participation are available this year. These are not only available for new presentations in our 2011 conference, but also for our 200+ past presentations.

If you are not already, please subscribe to our blogfollow us on Twitter, and ‘like’ us on Facebook! We’ll be updating all of these channels throughout the next two weeks as we publish 41 new presentations to complement the fantastic pre-conference keynote shared last Monday by Angela Maiers: “The Sandbox Manifesto.”

Also, remember we are discontinuing the use of our Ning website this year, so all content and commenting will take place on our main website/blog: Please also tweet about the conference using the hashtag #k12online and share us via Facebook and Google+.

Please share the word about our FREE, fantastic online conference with other educators. We’ve created a PDF flyer you can forward and share.

Thanks for participating and sharing the 2011 K-12 Online Conference!


Your 2011 Conference Organizers







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