Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

At the Eastern Edge of our Continent: Wells Reserve at Laudholm (Maine)

Today our family explored the Wells Reserve at Laudholm, which is “a National Estuarine Research Reserve with its headquarters listed on the National Register of Historic Places.” We don’t have estuaries in Oklahoma. According to the English WikiPedia, an estuary is:

…a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.

Estuary in Wells, Maine

In addition to shooting photos with my iPhone5, I shot three different video clips on the beach (mostly of my 9 year old talking about a hermit crab she found) and I edited these together quickly with iMovie for iPhone.

In addition to shooting this video, I also recorded and broadcasted a little over 2 minutes of video using UStream Broadcaster. There was a 4G cell phone connection on the beach where we were exploring, and I was impressed with the upstream bandwidth (which averaged 400 – 500 kpbs) compared to a 3G connection. The quality of the Ustream video was MUCH poorer than what I recorded and saved locally on the iPhone, however.

Tomorrow we’re planning some more coastal adventures near Portland, Maine, and I’m going to try (for the first time) editing with the Pinnacle Studio for iPad app ($10) instead of iMovie ($5). This app was originally called “Avid Studio for iPad” but was renamed in September. This week Bob Sprankle introduced me to Bill Rogers, a wonderful educator and documentary filmmaker working in Portsmouth, New Hampsire, and Bill enthusiastically recommends Pinnacle Studio over iMovie for iPad video editing. I’m eager to give it a try myself and see how it compares.

Hiking at the Wells Reserve

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