Wednesday after school I shared a few different iPad apps and a great STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) drawing device with our art teacher at school whose classroom is just down the hall from me. Here’s the list of links I sent her afterward as a follow-up, along with a few other videos and related resources. My complete list of fall 2014 iPad apps for my STEM classroom is available on
ProCreate ($6)
- More information is available on the official app website:
- This $10 online course about ProCreate brushes from Art Study Online looks fantastic, and I may take this later in the spring.
Singing Fingers (free)
This is a good, short video on Singing Fingers and what it can do:
This is a video about the Drawdio pencil I ordered but haven’t put together yet, I think this is going to be VERY cool and something I’ll show Rita as well: (Rita is our school music teacher)
I ordered this kit for about $20 with shipping from Adafruit:
Super-Awesome Maker Sylvia did her first show about the Drawdio back in 2010, so it must be cool! I can’t wait to show this to my STEM students and let my Maker’s Club kids play with the Drawdio in February!
Last here is the animation app I am going to load on the iPads and want to teach my students to use this year: Do Ink ($5). This video provides an overview of the app’s newest features.