Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Cool iPad Art & STEAM Apps & Hacks

Wednesday after school I shared a few different iPad apps and a great STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) drawing device with our art teacher at school whose classroom is just down the hall from me. Here’s the list of links I sent her afterward as a follow-up, along with a few other videos and related resources. My complete list of fall 2014 iPad apps for my STEM classroom is available on

ProCreate ($6)

Singing Fingers (free)

This is a good, short video on Singing Fingers and what it can do:

This is a video about the Drawdio pencil I ordered but haven’t put together yet, I think this is going to be VERY cool and something I’ll show Rita as well: (Rita is our school music teacher)

I ordered this kit for about $20 with shipping from Adafruit:

Super-Awesome Maker Sylvia did her first show about the Drawdio back in 2010, so it must be cool! I can’t wait to show this to my STEM students and let my Maker’s Club kids play with the Drawdio in February!

Workshop Drawdio by Taller Convergente 2010, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Taller Convergente 2010 

Last here is the animation app I am going to load on the iPads and want to teach my students to use this year: Do Ink ($5). This video provides an overview of the app’s newest features.



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