This podcast is an interview with 3rd and 4th grade teacher Shelly Fryer, discussing mystery skype, Minecraft in the classroom, iPad digital portfolios with Seesaw, and more. Check out the podcast shownotes for referenced apps, links and resources. Thanks to Adam Jones for sharing his podcasting inspiration!
- Shelly on Twitter: @sfryer
- Shelly’s classroom website:
- Positive Tomorrows (@ptokc)
- Adam Jones Education Podcast
- Mystery Skype in the Classroom
- Rachel’s YouTube Channel: RachelArtist (@rachfMC – videos about Minecraft and Club Penguin)
- Seesaw – Student Driven Digital Portfolios (for iPad)
- Kidblog
- PlaydateOKC (backstory of PLAYDATE PD)
- MinecraftEDU
- Minecraft Redstone Engineering Challenge
- Wes’ MinecraftEDU resources and Maker Studio Minecraft Resources
- Video: Creative Minecraft Shower by 4th Grader Sam
- Video: Tour of Minecraft Redstone Challenge House (by Josh)
- “You Are Not A Beginner Unless You Have Begun” by Karen Montgomery (@klmontgomery)
- Hovercraft app (FREE – for iOS, Android & Kindle Fire!)
- AirServer software (iOS mirroring software, like AppleTV but $15)
- MyOn (amazing iOS enhanced eBook library)
- News-O-Matic | Kids News, Nonfiction and Current Events
- PBS recognizes Positive Tomorrows teacher in Oklahoma City (@newsok 29 April 2015)
- STEM Seeds PD Camp: June 2-4, 2015 (@STEMseeds)
- Mobile Learning Experience Conference (@mobile2015 – June 10-12, 2015) by Tony Vincent (@tonyvincent) and the Arizona K-12 Center (@azk12)
- iPad Media Camp (@iPadMediaCamp)
- Wesley Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
- Wes’ Presentation Handouts (upcoming and past speaking schedule)
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All past “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” podcast episodes are archived, dating back to August 2005.
One response to “Podcast423: Mystery Skype, Minecraft, iPad Digital Portfolios, & More with Shelly Fryer”
A big thanks to both Wes and Shelly for this podcast. It’s inspired me to try out Minecraft for two of my classes for the next school year. I’ve already learned how to set up the Minecraft Edu server (relatively easy) and starting to learn how to play the game (much harder!). Mystery Skype and Hovercraft are two more great resources I learned about. It’s nice to end a school year with some ideas I’m excited about to get to in the next one.Thanks again for taking the time to do this and sharing these great ideas.