Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Brainstorming the Digital Sharing Map: Classroom Edition

For the past year or so, my wife Shelly (@sfryer) and I have been talking a lot about helping organize and facilitate a “Digital Sharing Conference” (@digishare) in Oklahoma City. The Google Doc I shared this past August includes more background. Two of the influences on our thinking about this new event include Miami Device (@miamidevice) and The Mobile Learning Experience (@mobile2015). Sometimes “early adapter / innovator” teachers are primarily drawn to these kinds of conferences. It’s my desire that the Digital Sharing Conference, scheduled for November 4-5, 2016 in Oklahoma City, focuses on assisting “early majority” teachers to create digital channels for their classrooms to share and amplify student work.

I’ve been thinking about how some restaurants use placemats to communicate with patrons and raise awareness about new food possibilities.

Small Smoked Meat Poutine | Brisket Mont by velkr0, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  velkr0 

As a huge fan of maps and geography, I also like the idea of making this paper-based placemat into a map. Eventually I’m thinking about creating or asking others to help me create a sketchnote / visual note style drawing of this.

Virginia placemat, Big Meadows Wayside R by brownpau, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  brownpau 

This is the basis for the “Digital Sharing Map: Classroom Edition.” Here’s the paper sketch version Shelly and I created this afternoon, on our drive back from Allen, Texas, where we were visiting family. While the Digital Sharing Conference will primarily focus on DIGITAL content creation, it can be powerful to use paper-based / analog learning objects in conjunction with digital ones. Think “paper slide videos.” (Hat tip to @pocketlodge!)

Here’s a digital version, which I created as a Google Drawing document. (The links on the Google Drawing are clickable.)

After tweeting this to Ben Wilkoff (@bhwilkoff), who I’m hoping will play a major role in our first Digital Sharing Conference by serving as one of our keynote speakers, Ben challenged me to create a short video to share more background about the map and sketch.

On a late lunch stop in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Shelly and I recorded a five minute video giving more background about “The Digital Sharing Map” and how we’re thinking this can serve as a framework for the Digital Sharing Conference.

If you have feedback, input or ideas relating to this, we’d love to hear it! Please share your ideas as a comment to this post, by tweeting me @wfryer, leaving a comment on the YouTube video, or by adding a comment to The Digital Sharing Conference planning Google Doc.



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