Tag: sharing
Daily Blogging and an Ode to RSS
One of my favorite Twitter lists which I follow regularly in Flipboard is “Gigaom Vets.” The list includes people who previously worked for GigaOm magazine, which has been rebooted but unexpectedly fired all its staff in March 2015. They were an amazing group of tech and tech culture journalists, and they still are, except now they…
Creating a Society6 Store of Digital Photography Products
A few months ago my mom told me about a friend’s daughter, Erica Brooks, who was completing an amazing, around the world year of travel and work with Remote Year (@remoteyear). Erica documented her adventures on the website UnraveledTravels.com. She works in media, design and marketing, and had setup a personal storefront using the website…
Share eBook Highlights from iBooks
This morning I taught the lesson for our Sunday School class as a substitute teacher, and in addition to my slides was able to share all my highlighted notes from the lesson’s chapter in our book, “Good to Great in God’s Eyes” by Chip Ingram. (@chipingram) In this post, I’ll share how I used the iBooks…
Podcast443: Preparing for the 2016 iPadPalooza and ISTE Conferences
This podcast includes a practice mini-keynote as well a preparatory conversation between Shelly Fryer (@sfryer) and Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) in advance of the 2016 iPadPalooza Conference (in Austin, Texas) as well as ISTE Conference (in Denver, Colorado) in upcoming weeks. Shelly and Wes discuss several new ideas related to “The Digital Sharing Project” and the…
Picasa Slideshow Link for iPhones: No Flash Required
One of our teachers loves to share photos he takes of students working in class using Picasa on his classroom Google Site. He’s been using Picasa for years, but unfortunately all of the sharing options (like photo slideshows) from Picasa don’t work on smartphones like iPhones. I think this is because some of them are…